Grades 6-8
We share the love of Christ while providing a nurturing environment

St. Lorenz Middle School provides a comprehensive education grounded in Christian values, with the Bible as the foundation for religious instruction. Students explore various academic disciplines, each designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills. The curriculum includes opportunities for artistic expression, musical development, and physical fitness, promoting well-rounded growth. Language arts, math, science, and social studies are integrated with technology and hands-on projects to enhance learning and engagement. The school emphasizes the development of personal and social skills, leadership, and a lifelong appreciation for learning, aiming to prepare students for future academic challenges and responsible citizenship.
Sixth Grade Curriculum
The CPH One In Christ curriculum is used for religion instruction. A general overview of each book of the Bible offers students the opportunity to grow in God’s grace. Within the context of these lessons, students are taught key concepts of faith such as Law and Gospel, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and grace and are encouraged to put these concepts into action in their lives. Through a planned memory program, students learn selected Scripture verses, and portions of the Catechism. Students also learn the value of developing strong relationships and conflict-resolution skills in Friendship Class.
- English
The structure of language is developed by learning parts of speech and a variety of sentence structures. A comprehensive writing curriculum provides systematic models for writing and numerous opportunities for students to write in a variety of types. Presentations of speeches, reports, and drama provide oral speaking and listening experiences. - Literature
Literary analysis, vocabulary development, and use of comprehension and reading strategies give opportunity for sixth graders to continue developing reading skills. Novels for children and a literature anthology provide a variety of literature reflecting a wide spectrum of genre covering broad areas for the sixth graders interest levels. - Spelling
Sixth graders are led to see spelling patterns as they build on basic word roots using affixes and word endings. Taught syllabication, vowel relationships and consonant relationships, students learn to spell in their regular daily work. Dictionary, thesaurus, and critical reading vocabulary are used to strengthen spelling skills.
The sixth grade level of math provides theory, practice, and application of mathematical principles. The following topics are explored: algebraic and numerical expressions, properties of addition and multiplication, equations using the four processes (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), interpreting tables and graphs, number systems (including fractions, decimals, rational numbers, and integers), ratios and rates, geometry, and statistics. Problem solving is an integral part of the Big Ideas curriculum and are discussed, practiced, and applied in a variety of formats. Hands-on activities and projects may be utilized throughout the course to reinforce and apply ideas learned in sixth grade math.
The sixth grade science curriculum provides opportunities for students to explore the wonders of God’s creation specifically focused in the area of Earth science. They do this primarily through hands-on activities: models, experiments, demonstrations, and exploration activities combined with information from their texts and other resources. The topics of study include Earth’s minerals and rocks, energy, the Earth’s crust, soils, weathering and erosion, oceanography, and weather.
The emphasis of sixth grade Social Studies is the Western Hemisphere. This includes North, Central, and South America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Each of the 12 chapters we will cover takes a deeper look into one of these regions. Chapters are comprised of three lessons. The first lesson covers the geography, both man-made and God-created of the area. The second lesson deals with the history of the region. Finally, we cover the culture and lives today of the people.
Assessment is provided in many ways including traditional tests and quizzes, and non-traditional projects such as iMovie presentations and podcasts. Homework including short writing projects, Social Studies skills (current events, economics, reading charts and graphs), and artwork should also be expected. With the understanding of the world around them our students will mature into good citizens with a sense of appreciation for all of God’s children around the world.
Sixth graders have a desire to be creative. Allowing for individual abilities, basic elements of artistic expression grow as they study and use design, color, drawing, painting, and sculpting. Both two and three dimensional projects are emphasized as well as a variety of craft-type projects that enhance sixth grade creativity.
Building on the skills and concepts previously learned, 6th grade band students gain deeper musical understanding through the study of theory and performance. Emphasis is placed on tone quality, musical interpretation, and ensemble playing.
The students are exposed to new musical styles and increasingly-challenging literature 6th grade students play at the fall and spring concerts and are offered the opportunity to perform a solo or small ensemble piece at the annual Lutheran Music Festival.
Middle School Choir is for those sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students who enjoy singing and are interested in learning vocal skills. The main goal of the choir is to give glory to God through singing together while providing musical enjoyment and growth in vocal technique. Middle School Choir is a performing group, singing as scheduled at church services, parish music concerts, school concerts, and the Saginaw Valley Music Festival.
Activities this year will expand upon concepts learned in previous grades with the goal of encouraging students to continue their study of German. Specific units of study include train travel, German sons and music, dining, and the beginning chapter(s) of “Komm Mit!” Students develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills while participating in group and individual projects, music, and activities corresponding to the textbook. Cultural aspects are also learned in each unit.
Locomotor skills and object control can still be in a developing stage at these grade levels but is focused on how they can be used in various sports and activities. Refining of these skills is still occurring. Emphasis is on learning and developing specific skills for specific sports. The concept of team and team sports is used extensively. Introduction to rules of the various sports occurs at these grade levels. Physical fitness continues with building strength and endurance to a higher level and adding to that power. Fitness as a lifelong pursuit is stressed. Social and personal skills that are worked on are leadership and cooperation, sports etiquette and fair play, dealing with winning and losing, individual and property respect, tact, perseverance, and best effort.
Seventh Grade Curriculum
Throughout the school year, the seventh graders take an in-depth look at Creation as we prepare for our class trip to the Creation Museum and Ark. After that, teachers lead students through a variety of Christian resources to strengthen their faith in God as it pertains to the world we live in today.Resources include, but are not limited to, Answers in Genesis, Right Now Media, Summit Ministries, Love Does by Bob Goff, Luther’s Small Catechism, and of course our foundation: the Bible.
- Language
Grammar instruction includes but is not limited to the review of parts of speech, sentence structure, capitalization, and punctuation rules. The writing process is taught as a tool for learning and communication. The writing process is practiced and utilized throughout the year. Types of writing include research papers, poetry, narrative, expository, argumentative, and persuasive writing. - Literature
Short stories, drama, non-fiction, poetry, and two novels are studied throughout the year. Our faith is integrated in all areas of literature but especially during our novel units. All the students engage in several whole class discussions over open-ended, faith-based questions. After this, the students will write a reflection. The Accelerated Reader program is used to supplement novel reading. Formal and informal writing is done in all areas of reading. - Vocabulary
All students will be learning, using, and manipulating NWEA/ACT/SAT level words. The focus will be on mastering forty words. The students will be instructed on additional words selected from our pieces of literature as well. The students will study the word’s spelling, etymology, meaning, antonyms, synonyms, and contextual usage.
- 7th Grade Math
Seventh graders in the regular math class work through a variety of topics including adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers. A large emphasis is put on solving equations. Ratios, proportions, geometry, probability, and statistics are also taught. Projects are done throughout the year, and twice a year students take finals to help prepare them for high school. - Advanced Math
Seventh graders in Advanced Math begin working through the same concepts as the regular seventh grade math class but at an accelerated pace. They then move into more in-depth concepts as they prepare for Algebra as eighth graders. Graphing lines, solving systems of equations, exponents, scientific notation, polynomials, and geometry concepts are also covered. Projects are done throughout the year, and twice a year students take finals to help prepare them for high school.
Students study life science and learn to appreciate God’s wisdom in His creation from the smallest unicellular organisms to their own amazingly complex body. These lessons are aligned to the NGSS. Evolution and Creationism are compared. Sex education is covered using Sex and the New You from Concordia Publishing House. Students have many laboratory experiences to help them learn and develop problem solving techniques. Each student is required to participate in the science fair the year it is offered.
Our geography curriculum emphasizes the study of the Eastern Hemisphere, as well as the student’s role in understanding, respecting, and valuing cultures, and civilizations in God’s created world. Students are motivated and desire to view God’s Hand not only in the creation and preservation of the Eastern Hemisphere, but also in the sequence of events in that area as they relate to the history of humanity. They will understand that the Eastern Hemisphere’s environment, culture, history, and geography are unique gifts from God. Students will learn individual study habits, various assessments of their choice, and an appreciation of others just as unique as our own culture here in Frankenmuth.
As more challenging rhythms, notes and techniques are introduced, instruction continues to reinforce fundamentals and emphasizes music as expression and art. Class meets four days per week and often combines with 8th Grade Band to play at chapels, worship services, Music Festival and three annual concerts. Two band books: (Step By Step Band Technique and Developing Band Book #3) comprise the course content, and along with sheet music, provide students with a challenging and diverse musical diet. All students turn in weekly practice record cards.
- Art
- Churchgrove Biodiversity Field Study
- Economics
- Engineering
- German
- Insect Investigation
- Jr. Rotary Interact Club
- Life Science
- MAD Learn – App Development
- Marine Life Science
- Spartan Care
The first nine weeks of 7th grade German involves translating theme stories, writing conversations, and reviewing vocabulary from the last seven years.
The second nine weeks involves translating German stories, cartoons, and poems. We will also concentrate on conversational German and work on using the vocabulary acquired in the past seven years.
Middle School Choir is for those sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students who enjoy singing and are interested in learning vocal skills. The main goal of the choir is to give glory to God through singing together while providing musical enjoyment and growth in vocal technique. Middle School Choir is a performing group, singing as scheduled at church services, parish music concerts, school concerts, and the Saginaw Valley Music Festival.
Developing and refining locomotor skills and object control is ongoing at this level. The use of a variety of sports and activities helps this development. Activities to build students strength, endurance, flexibility, and power will lay a groundwork for physical fitness. Using the various team, individual and dual sports as units of instruction, several things can be taught. The rules of the game are taught not only for those looking to play at a higher level but also for those who choose to watch and enjoy the game as spectators. An understanding of offense and defense is learned. Strategies can also be developed. A unit of folk dance is taught to continue the skills of dance/movement. Social and personal skills are being worked on at this level also. We continue to work on cooperation and leadership, integrity, respect, fair play, initiative, responsibility, effort, self-discipline, decision making, and performance standards.
The main goal of Junior High Service class is to develop and build on a caring, responsible attitude toward others in response to the gospel. Students will develop citizenship, provide valuable service to the community, become involved in ministries of the congregation, and become increasingly aware of the needs of others.
- Ark and Creation Museum trip
- Sturgeon Release Day
Eighth Grade Curriculum
Students study the basic doctrines of the Lutheran Church through a study of the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism as they prepare for their participation in the Lord’s Supper, their presentation of faith, and their confirmation. During the course of the year they also study several topics, including Sexuality and Chastity, How to Study the Bible, Christian Vocation, and St. Lorenz Church History. They participate in a Bible study which investigates different Christian/world religions from a Lutheran perspective. Memory work is centered around the six chief parts of the Catechism.
Our history curriculum emphasizes the study of our nation’s heritage, as well as the student’s role in our society as Christian representatives, interrelating with other Americans and with the rest of God’s world. Students will learn the importance they have in God’s plan for our nation, and how they might best serve the Lord in it. They will learn and appreciate our nation’s story through multiple assessments such as tests, projects, and essays, through various methodologies such as notes, role plays, and games and through different technologies such as webquests, photo stories, and video productions. In addition, students will also partake in a trip to Washington, D.C., a Geography Bee, and various community-based projects.
- Language
English is grammar instruction including the review of the parts of speech, sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation rules, as well as usage and mechanics. The writing process is stressed as a tool for learning and communication. This process is reviewed and is used throughout the year. Types of writing include: Research paper, short stories, poetry, narratives, description, persuasion, and argumentative writing. - Vocabulary
All students will be learning, using, and manipulating NWEA/ACT/SAT level words. The focus will be on mastering forty words. The students will be instructed on additional words selected from our pieces of literature as well. The students will study the word’s spelling, etymology, meaning, antonyms, synonyms, and contextual usage. - Literature
The components of literature afford the opportunity for students to learn about and sample the short story, non-fiction, Greek mythology, drama, and novel studies. Two of novels coordinate with their U.S. History classwork. Formal Writing is done in all areas of reading. The Accelerated Reader program is used to supplement novel reading.
- Pre-Algebra
Eighth graders in Pre-Algebra build their foundation of concepts that will be covered in more depth as Algebra students in high school. Solving equations, linear equations, polynomials, geometry, functions, systems of equations, and exponents are also covered. Projects are expected to be done outside of class first and third quarters, and finals are taken second and fourth quarters as they. - Algebra
Eighth graders in Algebra use a High School textbook to deepen their understanding of math concepts taught the previous year. Topics include solving equations and inequalities, graph and writing linear functions, solving systems of equations, exponential functions, polynomials, quadratic functions and equations, radical functions and equations, and data analysis are covered. Projects are expected to be done outside of class first and third quarters, and finals are taken second and fourth quarters as they continue to prepare for high school.
Students study objects in motion, energy, machines, states of matter, classification of matter, atomic structure, properties of elements, chemical reactions, solutions, acids, bases, salts, sound, light and electricity. All lessons are aligned to the NGSS. They learn to appreciate matter and energy as gifts from God. Students are given a variety of laboratory experiences to help them learn and develop problem solving techniques. Each student is required to participate in the Science Fair in the year it is offered.
As more challenging rhythms, notes and techniques are introduced, instruction continues to reinforce fundamentals and emphasizes music as expression and art.
Class meets four days per week and often combines with 7th Grade Band to play at chapels, worship services, Music Festival and three annual concerts.
Two band books: (Accent on Achievement and Sounds Spectacular) comprise the course content, and along with sheet music, provide students with a challenging and diverse musical diet. Music quizzes and playing tests are given quarterly.
- Art
- Churchgrove Biodiversity Field Study
- Culinary Arts
- Digital 3-D Printing
- Economics
- Engineering
- German
- Jr. Rotary Interact Club
- Life Science
- Marine Life Science
- Python Computer Coding
- Raspberry Pi Computer Coding
- Video Production
- Yearbook
Middle School Choir is for those sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students who enjoy singing and are interested in learning vocal skills. The main goal of the choir is to give glory to God through singing together while providing musical enjoyment and growth in vocal technique. This is a performing group, singing as scheduled at church services, parish music concerts, school concerts, and the Saginaw Valley Music Festival.
Activities this year will expand upon concepts learned in previous grades with the goal of encouraging students to continue their study of German. Specific units of study include explaining how things work, giving instructions, different types of transport, describing people and things. Temporal expressions, comparisons and revision of verb tenses.
We continue to work on developing and refining locomotor skills and object control. Continuing to build strength and endurance while maintaining flexibility and increasing power, sets the groundwork for staying fit. Using the various sports as units of instruction, a number of things can be taught. The rules of the game, understanding of offense and defense and some strategies are taught not only for those looking to play at a higher level but also for those who choose to watch and enjoy the game as a spectator. A unit of country line dancing is taught to continue dance/movement skills. We also work on cooperation and leadership, integrity, respect, fair play, initiative, responsibility, effort, self-discipline, decision making and performance standards.
The main goal of Junior High Service class is to develop and build on a caring, responsible attitude toward others in response to the gospel. Students will develop citizenship, provide valuable service to the community, become involved in ministries of the congregation and become increasingly aware of the needs of others.
- Reality Fair
- Washington DC
Middle School Faculty

Dan Felten
6th Grade

Paul Gusé
6th Grade

Andrea Johnson
7th Grade

Alyssa Worden
7th Grade

Dawn Mueller
8th Grade